Audition Information
Auditions will be held on check-in day to confirm selection and placement in musical ensembles. Developing players may be recommended to focus on one ensemble to ensure sufficient personal practice time. Auditions are designed to be light and friendly — there is no pass/fail in our audition process; it is an opportunity for our faculty to get to know you better so you can have the best experience at Csehy. Before camp, we also ask that you have their teachers from home fill in a Teacher Recommendation form. If this has not been completed, you will see it on your list of incomplete tasks on your account.
Woodwinds, Brass & Strings
Woodwinds, Brass and Strings
Bring a sample of music (solo repertoire or orchestra excerpts) which best represent your ability (both lyrical tone as well as proficiency). Also be prepared for some sight-reading.
Our faculty will meet with percussion majors, experienced percussionists, and other students (especially pianists) who are interested in playing percussion in orchestra or band.
Experienced percussionists are encouraged to prepare audition pieces (solo repertoire or orchestra excerpts) which demonstrate snare rudiments and skills on mallet instruments. Discuss options with your teacher before coming to camp.
Those without percussion experience are not expected to prepare an audition, but will meet with the percussion instructor to consider potential assignments.
Anyone (especially pianists and voice majors) hoping to play handbells: no prepared music required. You will meet with the handbell director to audition.
Chamber Choir
Chamber Choir
(high school weeks only)
Voice majors and all others hoping to participate in Chamber Choir: no prepared music required. You will meet individually with the choir director for a hearing. You will be asked to vocalize and sing back series of pitches played for you on the piano.
All-camp Choir
If you know your voice-part (ie. SATB) there is no need to audition. Anyone who is not sure will meet with the choir director who will take you through some warm-up exercises to confirm your voice-part.